Sevylor inflatable canoes have a long standing reputaion as providing fun on the water at a budget cost.
There is a wide range of inflatable canoes and kayaks available from Sevylor whether you are looking for a 1 or 2 person canoe.
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Sevylor Inflatable Canoes & Kayaks
Tandem Sevylor Inflatable Canoes & Kayaks
Sevylor Hudson
The Sevylor Hudson 3 person inflatable kayak that can also be paddled solo, tandem or with 2 adults and a child. A perfect affordable inflatable kayak to get on the water with the family.
Sevylor Madison Kit
The Madison is one of Sevylor's biggest selling 2 person inflatable kayak that can also be paddled solo, coming feature packed and now in a kit to get you on the water cheaply.
Sevylor Alameda
The Alameda is a 3 seater inflatable canoe from Sevylor which is comfortable and spacious - ideal for recreational use and holidays. Most commonly paddled with 2 seats as it gives optimum leg room for 2 adults.
Sevylor Ottawa
A real family inflatable canoe, the Ottawa comes with 3 comfortable seats and a sleek design for easier paddling.